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Gift Ideas: For Adventure, Eco-Friendly, and Well-being Enthusiasts

Gift Ideas: For Adventure, Eco-Friendly, and Well-being Enthusiasts

Do you need some gift ideas for someone who loves nature, adventure, science, or well-being? Here's a few favorites to help with your shopping list for all ages. ...more

Environment ,Health

December 23, 20235 min read

Lessons Learned from a Health Journey: From Chronic Pain to Renewed Vitality

Lessons Learned from a Health Journey: From Chronic Pain to Renewed Vitality

I went from a state of chronic pain to feeling better than I did a decade ago. I hope the story of my health journey will help you or a loved one to live your best life, one that is full of energy. ...more


November 03, 202311 min read

6 Tools that Helped Improve Physical Well-being and Reduce Pain

6 Tools that Helped Improve Physical Well-being and Reduce Pain

Read about six of my favorite therapeutic tools that I've personally tested to improve my physical well-being and alleviate chronic pain symptoms. ...more


September 06, 20237 min read

Holistic Dental Care and Sleep

Holistic Dental Care and Sleep

This week I had my first experience visiting a holistic dentist, also considered a biological or functional dentist. Here is a discovery she made. ...more


April 19, 20231 min read



Are there any habits you have been wanting to build into your life? Read on for one approach that might help you begin. ...more


March 24, 20231 min read

World Water Day

World Water Day

Today is all about water! How is your hydration? Learn how to help others have access to this essential resource. ...more

Environment ,Health

March 22, 20231 min read

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

Happy World Sleep Day! So…how can we improve sleep? Check out a few tips here in this graphic. ...more


March 17, 20231 min read

Tick Awareness

Tick Awareness

Keep an eye out for ticks on yourself and your pets as weather warms up and adopt best practices to avoid tick-borne diseases. ...more


February 13, 20231 min read

Sprouts and Microgreens

Sprouts and Microgreens

Have you thought about ways to harvest fresh food at home, at a small scale, even in the cold season months? ...more


February 01, 20231 min read

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