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Dental xray and sleep apnea device with text "holistic dental care & sleep breathing conditions"

Holistic Dental Care and Sleep

April 19, 20231 min read

This week I had my first experience visiting a holistic dentist, also considered a biological or functional dentist. I was seeking a dentist who was certified in the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. During my initial exam, I learned of several dental signs that I may have a sleep-related breathing condition.

I did a sleep study almost ten years ago, during which I had about 9-10 disturbances an hour from various factors. Disturbances from lack of breathing were not sufficient to be considered sleep apnea. During my dental appointment I was encouraged to have another sleep test done since some conditions are progressive and there is a family history of sleep apnea. I never knew there were dental procedures, tools, and therapies available for some sleep-breathing conditions.

Linked here is my dentist’s blog post about the signs and some of the available treatments. Have you or someone you know ever tried these methods for breathing conditions? If you wake up and you have not felt well rested in quite some time have you looked into sleep study options?

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Beth Manteuffel

Beth Manteuffel is a sustainability and health enthusiast sharing knowledge from her professional work and personal life experiences.

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