Reading List

Check out the categories below for some of my favorite books, including topics of ecological gardening, growing food, mindset, relationships, and entrepreneurship. For industry guides and standards about green building, sustainable sites, and healthy buildings visit here.

The books below include my affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Do you prefer to listen to audiobooks? Audiobooks are available for most books through Audible and Amazon links below.

Gardening, Farming, & Environment

The Resilient Farm and Homestead: An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach by Ben Falk

Learn how to install systems that work together to regenerate land, to grow abundant food, to build resiliency, to create water security, to design for biodiversity, and to provide ecological support. We were fortunate to schedule a consultation with Ben to ask our biggest questions about our property and discuss the feasibility of what could be implemented at our home. On-site water storage, general zoning, and ideal plantings for edible trees and shrubs in our area were among the topics of conversation. His book prepared us well for the conversation. Ben's book is available on Amazon at this link.

The Living Landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden by Rick Darke and Douglas W. Tallamy

Learn about the ecological functions of a garden and the importance of layers in the landscape. A wonderful resource for native plant selection for the United States regions! Available from Amazon at this link.

Lawns Into Meadows, 2nd Edition: Growing a Regenerative Landscape by Owen Wormser

Learn the why and the how to reduce your lawn and provide valuable habitat in your own backyard. Available from Amazon at this link.

Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard by Douglas W. Tallamy

A positive outlook on how we can best support nature right outside our doorstep. Available from Amazon at this link.

The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Edited by Carleen Madigan

It is amazing what can be produced on just a 1/4 acre lot. Available from Amazon at this link.

Backpack Explorer: On the Nature Trail: What Will You Find? by Editors of Storey Publishing

A great nature activity book for kids! Having bought this for my nephews I can say that I personally would enjoy the activities too. Available from Amazon at this link. Air dry clay would be a great gift to go with this book for one of the activities. My choice would be this product, since it has less packaging compared to other brands that supply in large plastic tubs.

Mindset & Health

I Can Do It: How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Life by Louise Hay

Learn how to use affirmations the right way, with present tense statements that focus on creating positive feelings. This book taught me that if a statement does not feel believable it may not create the positive feelings we are intending. In those cases it can help to get more general with the statement. Consider relistening to this on audio until this way of thinking becomes habit. Available from Amazon at this link.

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

If you haven't heard of Dr. Joe Dispenza check out his interviews on YouTube and his meditation series. Available from Amazon at this link.

OWN YOUR HEALTH: Healthy to 100: Aging with Vigor and Grace by Alexa Fleckenstein, Roanne Weisman

A great read that I picked up in my 20s. This book helped set the stage for healthy habits I will carry for the rest of my life. Available from Amazon at this link.


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert by John Gottman, Ph.D.

Through reading this book I realized that my own tendency was to avoid confrontation and become silent. Silence however can create more tension. This book helps us reflect on our habits. Do we turn toward each other or away? Insights can be applied to many types of relationships in our lives and how we communicate with others, especially those closest to us. Available from Amazon at this link.

Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson

Learn about attachment styles, emotional responsiveness, and navigating raw spots. This book focuses on creating secure emotional attachments to build stronger relationships. Available from Amazon at this link. There is also a workbook available at this link.

Entrepreneurship & Financial Mindset

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber

This book will teach you about the roles of an Entrepreneur, Technician, and Manager. I read this book well before starting my consulting business, where I intended to operate for some years as an independent consultant without employees. I knew I was starting it as a Technician and not an Entrepreneur. Since beginning that business I've always kept my eyes set on other entrepreneurial pathways to break free from the Technician role. This book is available from Amazon at this link.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker

Learn how to rewire your thinking and feelings toward money. Available from Amazon at this link.

For other books that have been on sale in the past visit here.

For some of the best programs and guidelines regarding green and healthy buildings and sustainable sites visit here.

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