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Text "Don't know where to start? Start Small Sprouts and Microgreens" on yellow background with image of sprouts kit

Sprouts and Microgreens

February 01, 20231 min read

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Have you ever thought about growing some of your food but you are not sure where to start? Start small! At a time of year when not much is growing out in our little patch of the world we can grow on a small scale indoors with sprouts or microgreens. Shout out to my parents for gifting us a kit and seeds! Similar to this kit style. This will be our next experiment.

So what is the difference between sprouts and microgreens? According to Microgreens Corner, “Sprouts are seeds that have just begun to grow and still have their cotyledons (or “seed leaves”) while microgreens are harvested just after their first true leaves have formed.” Noted on, “In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, microgreens contained between four to 40 times more nutrients by weight than their fully grown counterparts. This means that including just a few servings of microgreens into your diet alongside plenty of other fruits and vegetables can ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to maintain optimal health.”

With home grown food you can maintain quality control and collect your harvest while at its freshest. Have you experimented with growing sprouts or microgreens?

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Beth Manteuffel

Beth Manteuffel is a sustainability and health enthusiast sharing knowledge from her professional work and personal life experiences.

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