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Text "Essential for Life: WATER" with image of glass of water held, and picture of bird drinking from birdbath. Graphics of water droplets.

World Water Day

March 22, 20231 min read

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Today is all about water! How is your hydration? Have you tried tracking your intake? I like to use a container with known ounce measurements. In the past, I've also used apps like MyFitnessPal to make sure I'm drinking enough water. Do you have any favorite apps or reminder tools to hydrate?

I recently discussed water intake amount and electrolytes with my naturopathic doctor. It is best to review your personalized intake amounts with your medical professional to determine what is best for you. My favorite electrolyte mix is now included on my page for favorite products and linked directly here.

World Water Day is a chance to highlight an amazing organization called charity: water. Seeing what they have accomplished to bring clean and safe drinking water to those lacking basic access is inspiring! We have been members of their monthly giving community since 2019 called The Spring, which provides continued support for their projects. To learn more about their work visit Offering water sources in our yards, or on a deck, is also a great way to support wildlife. Did you know that birds are attracted to the sound of moving water? This can be especially helpful for migrating birds who do not know the area well. A solar water fountain may help them navigate to the source. Happy World Water Day!

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Beth Manteuffel

Beth Manteuffel is a sustainability and health enthusiast sharing knowledge from her professional work and personal life experiences.

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