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View of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park with text "Happy National Park Week!"

National Park Week 2023

April 30, 20232 min read

This article has been updated from its original form.

Today is the last day of National Park Week, and I have to say that my favorite vacations have been visiting these parks and conservation areas. I love learning about them and to view them on the screen gives me a glimpse into the parks I would love to see in person. I understand why some will say a photo does not quite capture the essence or scale or feeling of these places. There is nothing like experiencing them firsthand.

Standing at Glacier Point looking across to Half Dome and down into Yosemite Valley brings on feelings that are hard to describe, but certainly of complete awe and gratitude that this land is protected as a National Park. I was amazed at how accessible places like Yosemite, Crater Lake, or the Grand Canyon are. You could park right at the famed viewpoints and take in the incredible scene. I encourage you to plan a trip to experience a National Park, Forest, Conservation Area, Wildlife Refuge, Seashore/Lakeshore, or Recreation Area. Search those keywords on the map to see what is closest to you if you’d like to explore closer to home.

El Capitan in Yosemite National Park with starry night sky and lights from climbers headlamps

While in Yosemite a highlight of the trip for me was leaving dinner one night and parking at a meadow in the valley to look for wildlife. When I looked up at the stars and back down to El Capitan I realized it looked like stars were scattered across the rock face. I was amazed to watch headlamps pan up, down and across the granite face as climbers continued their journey through the night. Lamps would cast their light in our direction as they looked out from the mountain or prepared to rest on a tiny ledge. Here is a time-lapsed photo I took from that night. I am still in awe every time I see this image and flash back to the experience standing under the dark night sky in Yosemite with these climbers shining their headlamps out over the valley.

If you are interested in supporting these important conservation areas visit the "Get Involved" section of the National Park Service website to learn the ways you can make a donation today. Consider sharing this with friends and family in support of these special places and programs. The video below includes images I've captured at various National Parks, National Forests and National Wildlife Refuges.

Do you want to learn more about America’s Public lands? Visit

To donate to U.S. National Parks and programs visit

It's time to plan the next great adventure!

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Beth Manteuffel

Beth Manteuffel is a sustainability and health enthusiast sharing knowledge from her professional work and personal life experiences.

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