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Air Quality Monitoring

May 31, 20232 min read

This article has been updated from its original form and contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Yesterday when I looked out the window mid-afternoon I thought there must be a fire very close by. I could not see the ridge line that is usually visible in the distance. I opened the AirNow app and the reading was in the orange range, “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.” It was the wildfire smoke arriving from Nova Scotia. As the fire continued today many are still displaced, and I hope for everyone's continued safety. It is a reminder that even if we do not live immediately near a wildfire site, it can still impact the air where we live.

Side by side images of the same scene on different days show a drastic difference in air quality

Above shows what the view out my window usually looks like on the left, and just how hazy it was on May 30th on the right. I had my window fan running that day but removed it when I was starting to cough and get a sore throat from the decline in air quality, not realizing how quickly it was changing. I closed all of the windows and turned on my HEPA filter to clean up the indoor air. After a short while my lungs were much happier. One of my top picks for HEPA filters is available here from Amazon. You can also visit my Products page link, For the Home: Indoor Air Quality & Comfort Control.

To monitor air quality for your area you can download the AirNow App or visit The website has many great resources such as "A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health." The guide shares what the AQI Index values mean, the health effects from poor air quality, and how you can better protect yourself. Personally, I start to have symptoms when it is in the orange zone AQI value (101-150) which is considered "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups." When I have needed to go outdoors during poor air quality events in the past, wearing a mask has helped reduce my respiratory reactions.

To stay informed of air quality alerts you can sign up for emails for your location, or for a nearby city, at The AirNow App and email notifications are great tools in planning outdoor activities to protect your health.

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Beth Manteuffel

Beth Manteuffel is a sustainability and health enthusiast sharing knowledge from her professional work and personal life experiences.

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