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Thermostat Location title, with image of thermostat being adjusted, and text includes on a central interior wall, out of direct sunlight, away from drafty locations, heaters, air vents, high moisture, cooking grease. In an area with average space temperature, in most regularly occupied space for that zone

Energy Savings - Thermostats

February 26, 20231 min read

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Are your thermostats installed in the best location to optimize energy use and comfort levels? Check out the graphic for a few tips. When we moved to our home the second floor had its thermostat located at the top of the stairs – which goes against the last tip. Working in HVAC design I knew this would be a problem.

At night, we would set back the first floor temperature by about ten degrees during heating season. The second floor thermostat would continuously call for heat and would never sense the bedroom heaters running when the doors were closed. As the heat would cycle frequently the bedrooms would overheat.

Relocating the thermostat to the interior wall of a regularly occupied room solved the problem. This allowed the thermostat to read a more accurate space temperature. The rooms are more comfortable, and this helps us to save energy and reduce utility costs. We also replaced the manual thermostat with a programmable thermostat to save even more energy.

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Beth Manteuffel

Beth Manteuffel is a sustainability and health enthusiast sharing knowledge from her professional work and personal life experiences.

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