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Text says Snag "The name for dead trees that are left upright to decompose naturally" definition from, with picture of standing dead tree

Ecosystems - Snag

February 08, 20231 min read

As viewed from my front window is this large dead tree in the image below. When I first moved here, I thought it should be cut down – until I learned of the word snag and what an important function it serves.

According to the National Wildlife Federation a snag is “the name for dead trees that are left upright to decompose naturally.” It shares notable statistics stating that “dead trees provide vital habitat for more than 1,000 species of wildlife nationwide.” Also, that “by some estimates, the removal of dead material from forests can mean a loss of habitat for up to one-fifth of the animals in the ecosystem.”

It would make sense to take down a dead tree, or parts of it, that pose a risk to human safety or structures. When doing so it helps to leave the downed tree or remnants on site, or in a safer part of your yard, to continue serving the local ecosystem.

Fortunately, the tree across from us is leaning far away from the power lines and poses a low risk of damage. Since learning about snags I now observe that tree through a new lens, with acknowledgment for all the life it still supports.

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Beth Manteuffel

Beth Manteuffel is a sustainability and health enthusiast sharing knowledge from her professional work and personal life experiences.

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